In medical offices, especially cardiology ones, talking about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, along with diet, physical activity is preferred.
Young people are encouraged to do SPORTS. However, before starting to play sports, they must undergo an adequate examination. The heart is the organ that has to adapt and adapt the most during unusual efforts. Events on sports fields – the sudden death of young athletes, is an even greater motive to try to prevent potential problems. The big thing is the saying – BEING A STEP AHEAD OF EVENTS. We have information that in 2012 two athletes from our country lost their lives on sports fields/ a young handball player from Bar and an athlete from Nikšić/, and last year, young football players from Podgorica/ FK Zabjelo/.
That’s a lot for a population of 640,000.
I appeal for a detailed examination even before the intensive training begins. Extremely important must be attached to the anamnesis/ personal and family/. I will only make a small digression. A few years ago, a genetic anomaly was discovered, which was named BRUGADA SYNDROME. – genetically burdened families/ It can lead to an acceleration of the heart’s work/ malignant ventricular tachycardia/, which can have a fatal outcome. It can go without symptoms. Along with the examination, a detailed ECG analysis and examination of the genetic material is necessary.
Of course, when examining athletes, EKG recording is an indispensable method, but it is very important how it is recorded and read. Most “abnormalities” in athletes are a reflection of the so-called vagotonia/ in athletes, the vegetative system is dominated by the vagus nerve/, so some of the phenomena on the ECG are not pathological but physiological phenomena. On the ECG, any heart rhythm disorder is monitored/ longer monitoring is mandatory/, and if something is noticed , HOLTERs are applied. Of course, such an assessment must be given by a cardiologist. Along with that method, today ULTRASOUND RECORDING OF THE HEART / COLOR DOPPLER ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY / has a special importance. Any change in the heart muscle must be noticed before great efforts. THE STANDARD WOULD BE THAT THE PATIENT SHOULD BE EXAMINED ECHOCARDIOGRAPHICALLY, BEFORE BEING EXPOSED TO MAJOR SPORTS EFFORT. Later, the impact of sports on the heart muscle, the so-called remodeling of the myocardium, which occurs and is a normal phenomenon in athletes, is monitored.